Could you hear the noise coming from the Cornwall Park School hall on Wednesday morning? It's surprising that it's still standing.
Two players from the Warriors, Patrick and Toafofoa Sipley joined us bringing their messages of health and fitness in a fun and interactive assembly. Prizes, trivia and chanting were just some of things we tackled!
These young mathematicians are learning how to build their understanding by thinking, talking, explaining and justifying as they solve math problems. They worked together, made mistakes, learnt from each other, challenged each other as they came up with their solution.
Our STEM rotation and the rollercoaster extravaganza came to an end on Friday afternoon. The three jam packed afternoons showed off the collaborative problem solving skills of the year 3 and 4 learners in the Kauri team.
This week the Kauri team are taking part in a mini STEM rotation. We are moving around rooms, exploring different challenges and using all the skills of the CPDS dispositions.
The fabulous Miss Pickworth took us for another netball skills session. We used all that we have learnt to play mini games against each other and had heaps of fun!
What a fabulous day we had exploring the attractions at Butterfly Creek. Hungry crocodiles, tarantulas, GIANT weta... dinosaurs! And so much more. It was wonderful to see everyone enjoying themselves with the animals.