Thursday, December 14, 2017

Happy Holidays From Room 20!

To all the families and friends of Room 20, we wish you all a very happy, fun and safe holiday.  

We are looking forward to a wonderful 2018!

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Have you got the Room 20 Factor?

We all have our own special talents and on Monday we were lucky enough to have some of our talented people in Room 20 share these.

A Day of Fun Athletics Action!

The field was alive on Tuesday morning with laughter, smiles and energy as the Kauri team took off around seven different stations.  High jump, sack races, sprints, long jump, an obstacle course, ball throw and frisbee.  Each activity was run by some fabulous Year 6 students who made sure we had a great time!

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Things Room 20 Are Not Allowed to do Anymore...

After reading '17 Things I'm Not Allowed to do Anymore' we were inspired to create our own version.  We had some very interesting ideas about what we might not be allowed to do anymore!